Love. Heal. Empower

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Our Mission

Devoted to the health of the planet as well the happiness of her humyn friends, Moonflower Essence is created to keep you feeling empowered, charismatic and igniting our higher self.

Inspired by the Northern Sierras and bottled in San Francisco, our hope is that these creations bring more joy into your life.

*Made with Love

Created so you can continue to be the best version of yourself

About the herbalist

Carter is a lover of life. Determined for every humyn to feel beautiful and strong, she formulated products with the intention for an easy and fun integration of a
high-vibrational self-care routine.

After formal schooling of Botany, Holistic Health and Herbal studies, Carter’s awareness in alchemizing plant's beneficial properties into topical salves blossomed. Her excitement is to create tantalizing formulas that empower our physical body.

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Our Story

So many years of listening and gathering and bringing together herbs in a way that felt so inclusive. It is an honor to be presented with the opportunity to make these salves as gifts for those who hurt themselves, or were feeling discomfort.... and over the years, for them to come back, bringing with them, more friends and family that desire this essence. This essence that had no name.

In heightened excitement of how quickly some common and not so common ailments were healing, my friends dubbed these oils as "Moonflower Essence" and encouraged me to make a label so we can start calling it something consistent rather than the 'magic goo' or 'plant magic'. The name was an easy seed planted that started to germinate.

Moonflower Essence became a sweet little garden, naturally gathering seeds and birds and community.

And now... after 8 years of Moonflower Essence's growth via word of mouth, we are finally placing roots in the internet realm. No more search in "how can I order more". For now, this little garden is starting to turn into a small farm.

My hope and desire for this website is to become a safe place for dwellers from all over the world to come and find solace within these high-grade organic ingredients, harvested with love and blended together with intention for all people to feel empowered and beautiful in their own magnificence.

May this shop continue to grow holistically, rooted and expanded in collective sustainability and consideration of our gatherers and the ecosystem.

From my heart to yours, I bow in gratitude.